Etsy has FINALLY given it’s sellers some form of control over its much maligned advertizing system, Etsy ads.
Etsy ads now allows for unwanted keywords to be switched off, this is currently being tested…not everyone will have this yet:
If you find a keyword that is not relevant to your listing, just switch the button off next to it.
OK, so this is a good start. However I went through about 15 listings just to see if there were any unwanted etsy ads keywords I could switch off and did not find a single one.
Then when you look a little further in to this test update, it just ends up showing you all the features that are needed that Etsy Ads 2.0 does NOT have.
The two most painfully missing functions are Cost Per Click control over keywords we choose, and even worse, not being able to see the exact keywords that convert.
This is 2022, these two functions, along with broad, phrase and exact match options should have been available for years; and still Etsy drags it’s heels with these basic ad requirements whilst expecting sellers to blindly shovel endless cash into their ad system.
So, whilst this update does offer a small degree of control over Etsy ads, what it does more is highlight the raft of features that are still missing from the product.
I do expect to see a major update to Etsy ads at some point during 2022.
I can tell you first hand that through working with hundreds of Etsy stores in my consultancy, the majority of Etsy sellers are not making a profit on Etsy ads, and even more worrying; have no idea how to calculate their ROAS (return on investment).
If you want to learn how Etsy really works, and how to make more sales, you can book a call with me here.